Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a bear is trapped

something i am working on. fake leather. band. cubes.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

german boy

rented a few random german books at the library, as a motivation to improve my german. one proved to be a poetry collection by an german writer from 1960. now, i am not a fan of poetry, i think it is cheezy. but i did kind of like one about a running dog, a man and.. something i could not translate. then i started trying to read all of them, or at least the titles, and there was murder, lost love, questioning of his meaning or the meaning of dogs, or just everything in general, i am not really sure.
it was almost as if the book contained small fragments of his life and thoughts, and it was up to the reader to fill in the rest.
that made me do these paintings.